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Sporobolus contractus – Spike dropseed



Scientific Name: Sporobolus contractus


Common Names: Spike dropseed


Duration: Perennial

Growth Habit: Grass

Arizona Native Status: Native

Habitat: Dry mesas and bluffs, typically in sandy soils

Flower Color: N/A

Flowering Season: August to October

Height: Up to 3 feet

Description: This bunch grass contains numerous erect stems often with long (6-14 inch), tufted seedheads. The leaves are bladelike, smooth, and may extend to 20 inches and become ā€œVā€-like as the plant dries.

Special Characteristics

This species may be used to prevent erosion in areas of heavy disturbance or loose sandy soils. It also provides both forage and cover for various wildlife species and may serve as forage for livestock.


Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae


Utah State University, Cooperative Extension Unit: extension.usu.edu/rangeplants/htm/spike-dropseed

United States Department of Agriculture, Plant Database: plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=SPCO4



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 Tumamoc is managed by the University of Arizona College of Science and Pima County, Arizona.