Scientific Name: Astragalus allochrous
Synonym: Phaca allochrous
Common Names: Halfmoon milkvetch
Duration: Perennial
Growth Habit: Forb/herb
Arizona Native Status: Native
Habitat: Sandy washes and canyon bottoms to rocky slopes. Typically associated with creosote scrub community.
Flower Color: Purple
Flowering Season: March to May
Height: Less than 1 foot
Description: Halfmoon milkvetch is a many-stemmed herbaceous plant containing numerous purple flowers when in bloom. Leaves are compound, consisting of numerous strigose/pubescent (hairy) leaflets. Seed pods are numerous, inflated and conspicuous 15-25mm long and will make a loud pop when stepped on.
Special Characteristics
This plant causes loco disease in horses if consumed.
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
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